Using localy stored modules

The highest Hierarchy: Modules

Your go projects is defined by the modulename. The modulename is defined in the file go.mod in the first line as module modulepath.

Let’s assume you creating a library or a programm called instance Your modulename could be just a name like instance.

If you locally create a small script and never want to share any of the libraries, that would work.

md instance
cd instance
go mod init instance
cat go.mod

Creates a go.mod:

module instance

go 1.23.2

Usually you take the github path of your project for the module name, so that get the module with the whole path in other projects: go get $wholepath.

That can be just one module per github repository, or you use multiple modules in one monorepo.

Example for a repository which includes multiple go modules:

  • Repository:
  • Path:
  • Modulename: The repository g4-source contains a module in m01/infra/instance.



Within the module there can be multiple packages. It works best if the packagename == the directory name.

But it is possible to have a different package and directory name.

Using other modules

Other modules are imported with go get modulename. so e.g. if you want to use the ec2 service module:

go get

This will result in a require entry in you go.mod file

See the result in the same go.mod file

So other modules are referenced as url in go.mod.


If you do not want to use the module from github, use replace to override/replace the github url with an local file path. This path can be relative.

Now in our instance module we want to use a mapping module from our local drive.


go 1.23.2

replace => ../mapping

require ( v1.0.0

For multiple values you add multiple replace lines.

Using a local shared library/module from projects in a monorepo

In a directory infra I want to have three modules:

  • One module to create a AWS vpc, called vpc
  • One module tp create an AWS EC2 instance, called instance
  • One shared module to manage mappings of logical and physical ID, called mapping

The base directory looks like this:

├── instance
├── mapping
└── vpc

Each module has its own go.mod file:

├── instance\go.mod
├── mapping\go.mod
└── vpc\go.mod

In the mapping\go.mod the mapping modulename is defined:


go 1.23.2

There is a mapping.go includes:

package mapping

type Infrastructure struct {
	VpcId           string `json:"vpc_id"`

In the other module instance in main.go I can use this type:

import (

func main() {
	var infraMap *mapping.Infrastructure = &mapping.Infrastructure{}

This works, because in └── vpc\go.mod there is the matching replace directive:

replace => ../mapping


The g4 modules are from a project with my initials “gg” and “generative” and “go” i am working on. At the moment do not try to make too much sense out of the code… .